Activities for Small Groups & Book Discussion Guide
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Activities for Study Groups
Move through the chapters one at a time. Have every participant select one of the questions at the end. Spend a few minutes reflecting on your personal answer, then take turns sharing.
Commit to meeting once a month for one year. Spend each month practicing/reading reflecting on one chapter at a time, and at the following meeting, discuss the questions at the end of that month’s chapter as well as how the body practices and tiny things went for you.
At the end of your meeting, write down one tiny thing you commit to trying and share it with the group. Check in with each other now and again on how the tiny practice is going.
If you haven’t already, join the 12 Tiny Things group on Facebook and follow us on Instagram to widen your circle of support and accountability.
Go to if you want to use things like meditations, screen savers and journal prompts as tools to integrate your tiny practices into your daily life. Pick a meditation and journal prompt to do together when your group meets.
Discussion Guide
What chapter or story resonated the most with you? What made it stand out?
What is making you want to simplify or bring more intention to life?
What areas of your life would you like to tend to? Why?
What areas of your life feel really good right now? Why?
What was your initial reaction to the idea of tiny things as important and powerful? Did reading the book change your outlook at all?
When has a tiny, intentional action helped you in the past? How did it help?
Share [at least] one tiny thing you are going to try on.
If you’ve already tried some, what tiny things have worked for you? What tiny things surprised you in their effectiveness? Which tiny things just didn’t fit? Why?
Did you try any of the body practices or ideas in the appendix? Which ones?
What is one tangible way this group can support each other on the journey toward a more joyful, intentional, simple life?
If you’d like Heidi or Ellie to virtually join your group, please contact us.