Tiny Holy Things: A 12-week study guide for Christian congregations or small groups

Finding Sacred in our Ordinary Lives

12 Week Series

Welcome to the 12 Tiny Things Study Series!

Below you will find twelve weeks of content you can use in your congregation. Each week includes a theme, quote, Bible verse, journal prompts and tiny spiritual practices to try.

Consider asking one member of your congregation to share a 5-10 minute story or personal reflection based on the theme and Bible verse. Part of the time can be working through the theme in large group. Part of the time can be spent in small groups reflecting on how the micro-spiritual practices went from the week prior and working through the discussion questions from the current theme. It will work well online or in person.

This packet is a starting point. Take these elements and craft a series that works for you.


Activities for Small Groups & Book Discussion Guide


Tiny Tools for Staying Connected while Physically Apart